Monday, May 19, 2014

AMERICA'S favorite pastime... baseball

we ventured out tonight && went to the gwinnett braves baseball game. it's a fairly local team related to the atlanta braves. my hubby was given two tickets for tonight's game... so we figured we had nothing to loose... && we did GREAT! we took both k & o. it was o's first real major outting. we've been many places but anything big like this we have always left o && took k with us but we took o this time && it went awesome. I was nervous since we only had two seats & four bodies but we actually had the row to ourselves && it was kids eat free night (amazing surprise!). they even gave o a voucher for a hot dog! so we got out of the whole thing for $10! $5 to park && $5 for nachos. I love me some ballpark nachos. 

anyways... i had a blast! the kids has a blast! && i think the hubby had a great time! 

i was really nervous about going & having enough stuff or taking what all we needed... the most important thing was:::
1. the front baby carrier! owen is a stout little boy & it was nice to have some help carrying him. 
2. snacks! didn't actually end up using them since it was kids eat free night. 
3. a blanket! it got kinda chilly and k really wanted to go play on the lawn area but we didn't have a place for o or us to have a comfy seat. 
4. last but not least... a CAMERA! you have to capture your memories. a must. 
this list isn't something super surprising but i couldn't find something like this to reassure me that I would survive!! 

 other great ideas for your bag are... sweater or jacket, a ball & glove


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