Saturday, February 15, 2014

shut the front door

happy weekend!!
i wanted to share a project that i have been working off & on with for the past year. my front door!
it started out all white and normal looking && now it looks like this!!

i made the 'L' out of burlap and order the 'hello' off etsy from:: here
the color is the same as our shutters! 
i have been thinking off adding a kick plate {can't decide! what do you think?} && definitely want a new door bell but haven't been able to bring myself to spend that $$$ and we need a new fresh doormat but we were given this one as a wedding gift with our last name so it has some sentimental connection! maybe i can hint for a new one this anniversary! 
{{like the ice scraper accessory?? can't wait til we can put that away for a while!}}

i will post some about the rest of my front porch soon! i decorated the rest to all blend in!

i love the way that it has turned out and hope to give the whole porch a face lift this summer!!

what do y'all think?


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