so here goes my 1ST tutorial... this is one of those projects that you see on Pinterest and go... i can do that! so i did! && love them!! i made k & o matching dinosaur valentines day shirts {well o's is a onesie}
i know it doesn't seem very girlie but k loves her some dinosaur train on pbs and figured it would suit o just fine
so... to start you need::
:a printed outline (cut out) of your dino (or any animal or thing for that matter)
:scrap fabric
:wonder under
:ribbon (if adding a bow)
:heart button (i got a pack at joann's on sale)
:shirt/onesie (whatever your making!)
now what i would & did do was get a square of wonder under roughly the same size as my printed outline and ironed it onto the back of my fabric i was using {there will be a little waste and i hate that but this is the best way i found to do it ((if you know a better way please comment! always willing to learn new tricks!))}
then i traced my outline onto the top of the fabric and cut my little dino out! and that is where we pick up with the pictures - sorry i actually did my dino early january and am just now getting to putting all together!!
::so here are our supplies for k's shirt
::next i peeled the wonder under from the back of my dino and placed it where i wanted it on the shirt
::next i ironed my dino in place - i left my iron on the dino for about 15 secs
: now this is where you can do one of two things:: i didn't sew around the edges because its a holiday shirt and my kids are only going to wear it once and it won't be washed BUT if you are planning on your child wearing this frequently and washing it your best bet is to run a line of stitch around your outline to keep it from peeling and/or fraying
::here it is all stuck on
::i then placed my heart button and bow where i wanted them
::now here is where you can do one of two things and i went the cheaters way again! i just hot glued the bow and heart into place - like i said it won't be washed and will only be worn once but again if you plan on it being worn multiple times then you would want to sew them into place
::and here they are finished!! k && o will be super cute in their shirts!
this was a super quick and easy && possible no sew shirt tutorial that can be adapted for any holiday/occasion/ or just because!!!
HOPE you enjoyed it!! && cut me a break if its not perfect! i promise i will improve as this goes along!!